Casino Plus Login and Register Guide

Casino Plus login and register

Casino Plus is an easily accessible platform that any gambler can register in and get started gaming on it quickly.

Login and Register Guide: Casino Plus Registration Steps

Casino Plus Registration Steps
  1. Tap on “Sign Up”
  2. Input a Philippine mobile phone number
  3. Tick the “I confirm that I am 21 years old and I agree to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy” box
  4. Tap on “Next”

After registering, players should verify their accounts by setting up their personal information and filling out the form.

  • Password
  • Full name
  • Gender
  • Date of birth
  • Place of birth
  • Email
  • Address
  • Mobile Phone Number
  • Source of funds
  • Nature of work

Login and Register Guide: What to Keep in Mind When Registering at Casino Plus?

What to Keep in Mind When Registering at Casino Plus?

Players must keep in mind that they must provide accurate information during the verification stage and non-compliant accounts will be closed or suspended after some time has passed. Additionally, only individuals aged 21 or older are allowed to register in the platform and Casino Plus keeps track of the IP addres, device ID, and usage data to ensure that no duplicate accounts will be made under one gambler.

Login and Register Guide: Casino Plus Login Steps

Keep in mind that only one instance of your account being logged in can exist and your account logged in to another device will be automatically logged out. This helps you protect your funds when your phone or other device you use to play gets stolen.

Casino Plus Login Steps

Keep in mind that you can only log in to the platform and have one account logged in at a time in one device. Multiple instances of the same account logged in will result in the older instance getting logged out.

Logging in is simpler, especially when users use their mobile number to log in. Currently, there are two ways to log into an account.

  • Phone – input the registered phone number, request an OTP, and input the OTP
  • Password – input the registered phone number, input the password set up during the verification process, and tap on “Sign In”

Both methods require the user to tick the “I confirm that I am 21 years old and I agree to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy” box.


Players must first download the Casino Plus app to register. Afterwards, they will only need a mobile phone number to register in the platform.

The main reason you should sign up at Casino Plus is to be able to play Color Game with celebrities, participate in PK Baccarat, and play with celebrities in general. The platform also offers various rewards besides the platform bonuses that reward bonus money.

Log in using your mobile phone and request an OTP. This is a more seamless login method.


Casino Plus is a popular mobile casino in the Philippines with well-known celebrities representing the platform as brand ambassadors and game show hosts. This platform can also afford to invite international and unaffiliated celebrities as guests in the platform for special events.

Sign up at the platform today and start playing casino games. Go play Color Game and aim to be one of the hundred players who’ll get PHP 1,000 from the bonus.